My Normal
"My Normal" is the story of Natalie, a young lesbian from the Lower East Side, who's struggling to find a balance between her dreams of becoming a film maker and her lifestyle as a dominatrix. Her exotic looks and unconventional techniques make her one of the most desirable mistresses in the NYC underground. After befriending her weed dealer and igniting a steamy love affair with her new girl, Natalie gets an internship on a real movie set. But if everything she ever wanted is becoming a reality, why is her life falling apart? When it seems that all is lost, Natalie realizes that the only way to turn her dreams into reality is to use her unique talents as a dominatrix to get exactly what she wants.
Release: Dec 07, 2010
Duration: 1h 17m
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: United States of America
Quality: HD
Actors: Nicole LaLiberte, Ty Jones, Dawn Noel, Naama Kates, Maine Anders
Director: Irving Schwartz
IMDb: 4.3/10