Born In Chicago

"Born In Chicago" is a soulful documentary film that chronicles a uniquely musical passing of the torch. It’s the story of first generation blues performers who had made their way to Chicago from the Mississippi Delta and their ardent and unexpected followers – young white, middle class kids who followed this evocative music to smoky clubs deep in Chicago’s ghettos. There, against all odds, they were encouraged by the greats who had became their musical mentors and learned the art of the blues at the feet the masters, going on to make the music their own.

Release: Mar 13, 2013

Duration: 1h 17m

Genres: Documentary, Music

Country: United States of America

Quality: HD

Actors: Dan Aykroyd, Bob Dylan, Carlos Santana, Bill Graham, B.B. King

Director: John Anderson, Bob Sarles

IMDb: 8/10

Keywords:Born In Chicago